

Dave Stewart: The Accidental Artist

The first portion of this film was videotaped in Dave’s studio in Hastings, Nebraska. The interview with Dave Stewart was videotaped at the Museum of Nebraska Art in Kearney, Nebraska, on November 8, 2016.

The occasion for this interview was the exhibition “Spotlight on: David Stewart” which was sponsored by Deanna and Fred Bosselman and ran from August 16 to November 13, 2016.

Dave talks about his background and becoming an “accidental artist.” He also reflects on his work habits and several individual “boxes” that are in MONA’s permanent collection.

60 minutes


Bonus Feature: Turner McGehee

Turner McGehee was teaching in the Art Department at Hastings College the day Dave Stewart walked in as a newly hired janitor. Turner has been an integral part of Dave’s journey toward becoming a highly respected artist.

21 minutes


To see an excerpt and for more information
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