
Linus-Burr-Smith-DVD-CoverLinus Burr Smith: The Last Lecture

Linus Burr Smith, FAIA, was born in Minneapolis, Kansas, in 1899. He was educated at Kansas State University, Harvard University and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

Burr was Chairman of the Department of Architecture at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln from 1934 to 1964.


The Last Lecture”    33:25
Burr’s last history of architecture lecture.

Department Chairman”    15:21
Burr reflects on his 30 year tenue as an administrator.

Personal History”    20:57
Burr relates some of the colorful and varied stories of his life.

Pioneers Park”    14:51
Burr tells the story of Ernest Herminghaus and his design influences for Lincoln’s premier park.

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